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The Origins of h clothing: My Story

My younger brother was 19 when he created h clothing. Back then it was called ‘Mind Matters’ and more of a fashion project that he had worked on for a few months as his final piece for college. His experiences of mental illness and his incredible aptitude for fashion & design allowed him to land on developing the concept of putting mental health and fashion together.

His submission was praised by the teachers, it secured his place at university and it was something we had pushed him to one day convert into a real life business. Sadly that time would never come for him as he left this Earth months after what had become the biggest achievement in his life.

It’s at this point I stepped in. I can’t really explain it but something inside me had an urge to not let something so powerful go unnoticed. With no experience or even as much as the ability to draw or dress myself ‘fashionably’, I quit my job in the city and began turning his project into a brand.

Months went by as I learnt the ropes, made mistakes, hit what seemed like impassable routes, took steps forward and steps backward, until one day the first finished piece of clothing arrived and from there it becomes history.

Despite being only 14 months into it (as of Jan ’23), it feels like a lot has happened and yet there is still such a long way to go. Filled with endless ideas and plans for the brand, everyday becomes it’s own story which I have recorded in a weekly work diary to make sure I can one day look back on the incredibly windy path I have paved.

What started as just a clothing brand now takes on a whole new side as I venture into the wellness space and focus on building a community of warriors with whom I can share my own personal journey of things I do to look after myself whilst having fun, and also allow them to forge their own paths, standing side by side as we step forward.

The spirit of my brother, the belief I hold, the soul with which I will pursue this passion, have become the driving forces behind what sometimes feels like an impossible task, let alone one I know much about. But if you do things that excite you, you will put huge effort into them and the rest will follow.

Authenticity, boldness and enjoyment. These 3 pillars underpin the passion I hold for this brand, this community, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Will x

1 comment

  • Scott

    Excited to watch it grow and be a part of it! X

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h clothing